Messages from Gaza Now 2

Messages from Gaza Now 2


Tuesday, 7th November 2023 | 19:00 – 21:00

P21 Gallery 21-23 Chalton Street, London NW1 1JD

This is the second event at which we will be sharing of texts and messages we have received over the past days from our colleagues and friends in Gaza. We are also seeking out testimonies from actions taken against people in the UK and the West who have shared views sympathetic to Palestine.

Our Messages from Gaza event on Tuesday 24th October gave participants a deep and detailed insight on the human consequences of the attack on Gaza. Throughout Palestine and our societies in the West there have been many other consequences, fatal and life-changing. We are seeking to express the enormity of the events we are living through.

The texts will be read, as at our previous gathering by a group of artists and others who have assembled themselves around our GAZA: THERE & HERE project. This event is a chance to breathe into the personal experiences of Palestinians in the crisis caused by genocidal violence. Listening and bearing witness together we can deepen our sense of solidarity and love.

Az Theatre (London) and Theatre for Everybody (Gaza) have been in creative partnership since 2009. Az has been in constant contact with our colleagues and friends in Gaza and they have sent us voice messages and texts which describe their experiences of the bombing, the evacuation of the north of Gaza, the conditions in which they find themselves away from their homes and their efforts to get provisions for their families and to help their neighbours and other displaced communities.

Az was in the process of developing a new stage of its collaboration called AUGUST 9th PROJECT (the date in 2018 when the Israeli armed forces destroyed the Al Mishal Cultural Centre in Gaza). It involves 30 creative workshop session in 3 centres in Gaza. The people who have sent these messages are the Co-Directors of Theatre for Everybody, Hossam Madhoun and Jamal Al Rozzi alongside producer/manager Shouq Al Najjar.

Jonathan Chadwick
Ruth Lass

Book your spot via the link below: