support our work

GAZA DRAMA LONG TERM, our ten-year cultural exchange partnership with Theatre for Everybody in Gaza, is not funded by any government or related organisations and depends entirely on individual donations.

All money goes to work in Gaza.  Members of Az Theatre work on a voluntary basis.

Previous phases of Gaza Drama Long Term have been supported by Street Theatre Workshop Fund, British Shalom Salaam Trust and the International Performers Aid Trust and hundreds of individuals!!

Give us what you might normally spend on a theatre or cinema ticket!!

How to donate

Give money either direct via Paypal or using your credit/debit card. Either way click on the donate button.

Or simply send a cheque made payable ‘Az Theatre Limited’ to Az Theatre, 55 Windsor Road London N7 6JL

Or pay the money online straight into our bank account:

Account name: Az Theatre Limited
Account number 70249033 Sort Code 20-44-86
IBAN GB91 BARC 2044 8670 2490 33
Az Theatre is a UK Registered Charity Number 1112922